MTIA Graduation!

The M.T.I.A License Book is like a passport ID Card
of Muay Thai, Muay Boran, Krabi Krabong and
To record all of your awards, grading and fights
Awards - to help make your students active and motivated
Register with MTIA Headquarters, where the
records are kept. -
The fight record will help the match makers
find your student a same level fight. -
The student record can give you a chance to
award your student. -
Anywhere official record you can use to show
your level anywhere in the world. -
You can use the license book also to keep fight
records of MMA and other styles.
Contact: grandmastertoddy@gmail.com

1. Information page
a. On this page you will fill out your name, school,
address and other pertinent personal information.
b. This page is important to fill out completely in case
the passport ever get lost. Also, it shows who to send the
passport back to when the passport is renewed.

2. Renewal Page
a. This is the page that is filled out every time the passport
is renewed.
b. This page gives a beginning and expiration date for the
validity of the license.

3. Licensing Certificate page
a. This page officially recognizes that the owner of the
passport has been taught under and is part of the M.T.I.A
b. This page is government certified.
c. This page is signed by Grand Master Toddy himself.
4. Grading Report
a. This report is completed by the instructor.
b. This report is signed off and verified by Grand Master Toddy.
c. This page shows at what level of student or instructor the owner of the license has attained.
5. Instructor Qualifications
a. Grand Master Toddy signs off on the level of instructor-ship the owner of the license attains.
b. Instructors must re-certify yearly to keep up their status in M.T.I.A

6. Award page
a. Instrutor sign off on any awards presented to the
owner of the license.
b. This page keeps track of what types of awards a
student has earned.

7. Seminar record
a. Record all Muay Thai seminar attendance on this page.
b. The Office Sign off on the record.
8. Competition record
a. This section is for Muay Thai competitions only.
b. This can be for amateur or professional fights.
c. Make sure that the information is completed fully.
d. These are 12 pages dedicated to the competition record in the passport.
9. MMA or other competition records
a. This section is for any martial art competition that was not strictly Muay Thai.
b. This can be for amateur or professional fights.
c. Make sure that the information is completed fully.
d. There are 10 pages dedicated to the MMA or other competition records.
Be active for being a member of M.T.I.A
Step 1. ONLY $ 25 USD Pay now!
Step 2.
If you have Instructor under M.T.I.A please put his "Gym License Number" in the form.