MTIA Graduation!
Become a Member Today!
There are three options for Membership in the MTIA:
1- Individual Member: This type of membership is open to all Muay Thai Practitioners who are interested in getting involved with a well-known organization. Membership is on an annual basis and you will receive a membership certificate. NOTE: members are not allowed to promote themselves as a MTIA Certified Trainer or Instructor or allowed the use of the MTIA Logo.
2- Certified Members: This membership is for individuals who take the MTIA Certification Courses and become certified by the MTIA under Grandmaster Toddy's Muay Thai system.
3- Certified Club: This type of membership is open for club owners who are certified as a Trainer/Kru by the MTIA under Grandmaster Toddy and who meets the requirements of being a certified school/club.
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